Our mission is to support you on your spiritual path of enlightenment.
All messages, classes and services offered out of this Center and through this website are focused on empowering you to awaken to your true divine essence and heritage.
You will receive tools and guidance that will not only connect you more closely to the Hierarchy of Light, but also give you the ability to call directly on their support, love and wisdom without the help of an intermediary.
The Hierarchy of Light is vast. Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels, divine Masters from other planetary systems and many other beings of Love and Light are just waiting for you to remember who you are, where you are from and the power you can wield as a co-creator.
As Earth is giving birth to a new consciousness, all of us are taking an active roll in these momentous times. May this Center and website assist you in this process.
Please check back here at a later time for more info on the 2025 expo
For the past twelve years the St. Germain Internet Radio show has been playing on Blogtalk Radio accessible via our stgermainradioshow.com website. We are excited to continue the show into the future. Call in to the show to get guidance and coaching.
PLEASE READ: Unfortunately after hosting the show for the past 12 years we recently found out that Blogtalk Radio is going out of business by the end of January 2025. It seems more than likely that the archive of all of our previous shows will no longer be accessible once Blogtalk shuts down. We are looking at other alternatives that would allow us to host the show again as well as restore access to at least a couple years worth of our previous show recordings. Please feel free to check back here in the future for an update on this.
In the meantime, we are still offering our usual “radio show style” monthly events and until further notice, all of our new downloadable recordings as well as some of our previous St. Germain Radio Shows are being posted here: www.mikesnydercc.com/downloads
Videos featuring Brigitte, St. Germain and Mike Snyder’s music. Access them here!
Voice America Radio Shows by Brigitte Boyea with music pieces by Mike Snyder. Listening to these radio show episodes is a great way to relax, release your worries, and clear your mind! They can help bring you more clarity to look at things in your life from a different, more uplifting perspective. All of the episodes listed below are free to download.
To access Mike Snyder’s Sound Healing website along with the recordings of our latest channeled event, please visit the link below:
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Love and blessings,
Brigitte & the Hierarchy of Light